Most people or businesses will have no trouble acquiring an EIN, more commonly known as an Employer Identification Number: a nine-digit identification code used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to track the tax obligations of various legal entities. These codes are sometimes required, depending on the business entity, but are advantageous for most businesses as an EIN approval allows you to accomplish several essential business tasks.
Determine Eligibility for EIN Approval
To know if you and your business will be eligible for EIN approval, there are two questions you will need to answer:
- Is your principle business located within United States territories?
- Does the person applying for the EIN have a valid taxpayer identification number, such as a Social Security Number (SSN), or Individual Taxpayer Identification number (ITIN)?
If you answered YES to both questions, you and your business are eligible for EIN approval.
File Your EIN Application Online
The EIN approval process can be complicated, but we’ve streamlined online application forms so that users can check EIN online status anytime, as well as recover their EIN in the event it is ever misplaced or forgotten.
Online applications are the fastest and easiest way to obtain your EIN. While other application methods can take up to two weeks to complete, online applications and approvals are completed within 24 hours*.
Once you complete our easy form, we’ll manage the rest and deliver the results directly to your inbox. Check EIN online status at any time, or contact us directly if you have questions or concerns—it’s that easy!
You need this important tax ID to grow your business. Our EIN application online forms only take a few minutes to complete.
Applying for an EIN Without a SSN or ITIN
It is still possible to get an EIN when you do not have an individual taxpayer identification number. The simplest method is to apply for one, because all individuals who expect to have tax obligations in the United States can apply for one. If you do not have a prior year’s tax return to show when filing, you may need to investigate whether and how you fit the requirements for the W-7 application. Once your W-7 is approved, you can then go ahead and file the SS-4 for your EIN.
The second method of obtaining an EIN when you do not have an SSN or ITIN works even if you are not eligible to apply for an ITIN. That is finding a third-party designee, someone who can file for the EIN on your company’s behalf. There are accountants and lawyers that help with this service, but most people can obtain an ITIN and apply for an EIN directly if they choose.
EIN Denial Based on Business Similarity
If you do have a valid Social Security Number or ITIN, then the most common reason for a denial would be that your business is too similar to another that is already on record. Typically, this happens when there is an overlap in business names that the IRS finds unacceptable for whatever reason. Under those circumstances, there are steps you can take to reapply and get your EIN.
If Your Application Is Denied
In the unlikely event that an application is denied, GovDocFiling takes the following steps:
- The applicant is contacted
- Detailed information about the rejection and specific steps to rectify it is provided
- A refund is issued
- Applicants are free to reapply with us as soon as they have revised their application materials
This process makes it easy for every client to get the EIN they need as quickly and smoothly as possible. If you have questions or concerns, contact us today. Email response times are usually less than twenty-four hours* during the business week.
*Most EINs are processed same or next business day, unless bundled with state formations, processing times will vary.