Apply for a Federal Tax ID in Connecticut
The Bridgeport/Norwalk/Stamford area of Connecticut was recently ranked one of the best places in the country to launch a business, and there are good reasons to do so in other parts of the state as well. The location places you just a short distance from major cities like Boston and New York, so basing your company in Connecticut and recruiting talent and clients from the surrounding areas may be a smart move. Connecticut’s upscale neighborhoods and friendly atmosphere also make it a great place to live and serve your community with your business’s offerings.
Starting a business, LLC, or trust in Connecticut requires a Federal Tax ID. Before you start the daunting task of tracking down the correct forms to file with the IRS, GovDocFiling can help.
Need specific information on filing for your state articles in Connecticut? Learn more about starting an LLC in Connecticut HERE, staring an S-Corporation in Connecticut HERE, and staring a Corporation in Connecticut HERE.
Start Doing Business with Our Easy Three-Step Filing Process
Obtaining a Tax ID can be a confusing process. There are no fewer than six terms used to refer to this number alone! But whether you call it a Tax ID, EIN, or FEIN, you don’t have to call it a hassle. With GovDocFiling, all you need to do is provide your entity type and enter your information into a short form. If you don’t know your entity type, we can even help you determine it through a short survey or our 24/7/365 support team. Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll typically have your Tax ID within an hour*.
*Most EINs are processed same or next business day, unless bundled with state formations, processing times will vary.
Keep Your Business Up to Date
If you already have a business, chances are you already have a federal tax ID number that can be found in an EIN number lookup in Connecticut. But did you know that making some changes to your business may require you to get a new EIN? Some changes, such as changing a business’s name or the location where business is carried out will not necessitate a new tax ID. However, a change, such as when a sole proprietorship incorporates, will mean a new ID must be acquired. Another action that would require the business to apply for a new ID is when the parties within a partnership change.
GovDocFiling can help with the process of applying for a new EIN just the same as it can help with applying for a new number. Whatever your tax ID needs are, we’re here to help. If you aren’t sure if your company needs a new ID number, just ask our support team any time to get some help.
Make Sure Your Business Is Properly Registered
Some of the changes we mentioned above, such as changing your business name or location, won’t require a new federal tax ID, but it may mean that you need to update your registration.
Many business types, such as an LLC or a corporation, are required to be registered by law. But even if your business isn’t required to be registered, you may want to take this step anyway. This is because registering your business may give you many benefits. For example, a registered business may enjoy certain tax and legal benefits. Having a registered business may also mean that your personal assets will be protected from any transaction that happens within the business finances.
When you’re ready to get a tax ID in Connecticut, let GovDocFiling make the application process fast and simple. Fill out our application now to get your EIN number.